Tree Removals Near Community Center.

Have you wondered what is going on with the disturbed area on the near the community center?

Several months ago, after a lightning strike fatally damaged two pine trees near the Woodland Community Center, the FWP board requested that HPARD remove those trees and also consider allowing FWP to commission a chainsaw artist to create a sculpture from the lower trunk. The tree sculpture idea gained support from HPARD and the Forestry Department was engaged to remove the trees with a special request to preserve the lower 14 feet of the tree upon removal. As we awaited the scheduling of the tree removal, preliminary steps were taken to pre-qualify the artist with HPARD. The tree removal commenced on Thursday, April 11th, and an FWP board member briefed the contractors on-site about the 14-foot stump preservation and the need to avoid damaging the surrounding pollinator garden.

The initial, smaller tree was swiftly cut down, segmented, and prepared for removal. Subsequently, the lead chainsaw operator began pruning the larger tree's side branches from his elevated platform. Intermittently, he captured photos and made calls engaging FWP and HPARD. Soon after, a ground supervisor showed a board member from the FWP the decayed core of the downed tree, voicing concerns about the second tree's similar condition and its unsuitability for use as a sculpture. FWP soon received a message from the forestry manager stating the remaining tree's trunk was extensively damaged, posing a risk to the crew, necessitating its felling at the base—a course of action that was ultimately executed.

Unfortunately, the butterfly garden was significantly impacted. FWP is monitoring completion of the work in the area and will then seek to restore the jewel of a garden back to beauty! If you or your group would like to help, please contact