WOODY Merch has Crawled into our Store!

Woody has arrived, and so has NEW Woody inspired merch! Featuring a one-of-a-kind Picasso inspired hand-drawn rendering of Woody by the artist, Dylan Conner, these items are guaranteed to make you smile. Limited quantities will be available at the Happy Turtles, Trails, and Hot Dogs event on May 13th from 11am-1pm in the park. Come join us, and you can always order online!

Woody the Turtle Goes Live Today!

Woody is Here! Join us TODAY, May 13th, for Happy Trails, Turtles and Hot Dogs! We are monitoring the weather and will make another announcement just after 10am if we have to change our plans.

Rain, Rain, Go Away! Turtles, Face Painters, and Hot Dogs can stay!

Woody the Turtle Dedication THIS SATURDAY!

Happy Turtles, Trails, and Hot Dogs is happening this Saturday, May 13th, from 11a-1pm at Woodland Park, 212 Parkview St. This annual FREE family event is TURTALLY special this year as it will feature the unveiling and dedication of our newest park addition - Woody the Turtle, an artistic play sculpture imagined and created by Heights resident and artist Dylan Conner.

Face Painting, special turtle guests, and local organizations will be on hand for all to enjoy. The event will kick-off at 11am with the dedication and speakers starting at 11:30. Hot dogs and root-beer floats will be provided free of charge while supplies last.

We are watching the weather and will communicate any changes as needed.