Bird Survey Spies 19 Species!

We had an exciting morning on September 16th at Woodland Park during our monthly bird survey walk. This time, we were a cozy group of four dedicated birders who gathered bright and early at 7:30 am. It's always great to see familiar faces and welcome newcomers to our community of bird enthusiasts.

We spotted a total of 19 different bird species during our walk. The Fall Migration is underway - we now see our year-round residents and the exciting additions of migrating birds passing through our area.

Our next bird survey is scheduled for Saturday, October 21st, 2023, starting at 7:30 am near the community center. Whether you're a seasoned birder or a beginner eager to learn, everyone is welcome to join our friendly group, led by Mary Goldsby.

As always, remember to bring your binoculars, bird field guides, comfortable walking shoes, and your curiosity.

Birds spotted on Sept 16, 2023 in Woodland Park with a photo of a female Summer Tanager